
In our office we perform:

  • routine outpatient examinations of patients, including dispensarization of uncomplicated hypertensives, diabetics, endocrinopathies (thyroid disease) or warfarinized patients
  • screening of cancer
  • preoperative examination, examination for disability assessment, examination before traveling abroad, etc.
  • application to the spa
  • assessment activities (before a spa or reconditioning stay, to study, to participate in various events, brigades, camps, for a driver's license, weapons license, professional license, to work, we handle insurance events, we comment on medical fitness for placement of persons in social facilities services, etc.)
  • some non-invasive or mini-invasive examinations
    • non-contact body temperature measurement
    • blood pressure measurement
    • outpatient blood pressure monitoring, ABPM (so-called "pressure holter")
    • examination of occult stool bleeding (TOKS)
    • ECG examination
    • biochemical analyzes from venous blood - CRP, cTnT, NT-proBNP, D dimer
    • capillary blood glucose (from finger)
    • spirometry
    • hemoglobin oxygen saturation (pulse oximetry)
    • examination of antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus by rapid test (from a drop of blood)
  • vaccine applications
  • minor surgical or cosmetic procedures (treatment of superficial wounds, including chronic ones, removal of skin sutures or fibromas)
  • issuing extracts from medical records
  • consulting and educational activities (for patients, employers or non-profit organizations), such as first aid, lifestyle or prevention of diseases of civilization
  • we cooperate with local state and non-state medical facilities and thanks to the close connection to the Olomouc University Hospital we are able to ensure the early implementation of the best medical care available in our region in some areas


What awaits you at the preventive examination?

Every insured person is entitled to a preventive examination from public health insurance every two years. Within it, insurance companies pay for the following examinations:

  • standard anamnesis and clinical examination including anthropometry, blood pressure and orientation examination of visual acuity (always)
  • in addition:
  • ECG (at age 40 and then every 4 years)
  • examination of CHOL, HDL, LDL, TAG (at the age of 18 and further at the age of 30, 40, 50 and 60)
  • examination of glycaemia (at the age of 18 and then at the age of 30, then from the age of 40 at 2-year intervals)
  • creatinine examination and calculation of glomerular filtration, eGFR (from 50 years in DM2, HTN or KV complications at 4-year intervals)
  • orientation urine examination dg. paper (always)
  • control of tetanus vaccination, TAT (always)
  • skin check - suspicious signs (always within cancer screening)
  • digital (finger) examination per rectum in high-risk patients (always within oncoscreening)
  • clinical examination of the testicles in at-risk men (always within oncoscreening)
  • clinical examination of the breast together with instructions for self-examination in women from 25 years of age (always within the oncoscreening)
  • check of mammography findings (or securing a request) in women from 45 years of age (within oncoscreening every 2 years)
  • stool occult blood test, TOKS (within oncoscreening over 50 years of age annually) or colonoscopy (within oncoscreening over 50 years of age once every 10 years)
  • • control of the number of "cigarette packs" and preventive lung examination (as part of oncoscreening in smokers over 20 cigg. daily at the age of 55 to 75 years, always)

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Stranka | by Dr. Radut